Tuesday, April 23, 2019

In The Eye of the Beholder

A couple of weeks ago I was touring a new building that a group had just obtained to lease. There was a piece of art that one of the members had posted on the Internet in hopes of finding a buyer.  To my surprise it was sold in less then 24 hours for $500.00.  I suppose I was surprised because I wouldn't even consider having this piece of work even if there was no cost attached to it.  I was also surprised that the buyer made no inquiries as far as the medium used or authenticity to determine the value but only based his decision on the appearance of the photo posted.
This brought me to the well known catch phrase of how "beauty is in the eye of the beholder" which basically refers to our individual tastes and appreciations.  God made everything beautiful but like a diamond there is a process involved and beauty that is authentic is formed. Much time and effort is placed on external beauty but is it through application of different concealers and makeup that real beauty is portrayed? Appearances play such an important role in our society today that the importance of character and other attributes can be overlooked. It's one thing to look beautiful it's another to be beautiful. I'm not saying we should not care about the way we look because I strongly believe in taking care of our bodies and eating right and exercising. On the other hand to look beautiful on the outside and to not develop qualities like kindness, integrity and honesty detracts from the appearance of beauty.  A diamond cutter always considers where he is going to cut into the diamond in order to bring out the most brilliance. We need to choose what we want to reflect in and through our lives. 1Peter 3: 3-4 " Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as elaborate hairstyles and the wearing of gold jewelry or fine clothes. Rather, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gently and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God's sight. "
#Identity #Godslove #Unique #Createdforpurpose 

Saturday, November 14, 2015

What A Fairytale Can Tell

Many people that know me are aware that my favorite fairytale is Cinderella, what they may not know is the reason behind it. I would imagine most of my friends would think it is because of the charming prince or the aspect of going from rags to riches. The truth is since I was a little girl the part that spoke to my heart was actually at the very beginning of the story. "And yet, through it all, Cinderella remained ever gentle and kind, for with each dawn she found new hope that someday, her dreams of happiness would come true.". 
I remember when I first heard that line I purposed in my heart to stay true to myself and to remain gentle and kind. I know that in doing so it may seem like this allowed others to take advantage of me but like all fairy tales good prevails over evil in time. It would appear easier to choose to become offended or bitter by a sense of injustice or misunderstanding towards one self then to let things go and not allow them to poison you or limit you. I find the only possible way of letting go and not responding in like manner is knowing who God is  and what He did for me as well as knowing my identity in Him. Remembering what He says and Who he says I am is what validates me and allows me to dismiss any false accusations or remarks that may come my way. 
Knowing that I am loved by Him and allowing myself to become that person  He created me to be is what fuels me to continue to go forward with my life surrendered to Him. Colossians 3:12-13 "Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you."
#Identity #Godslove #Unique #Createdforpurpose 

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Mirror Mirror

Last week I had the privilege of hanging out with my daughter and her boyfriend, while we were browsing in some stores he had noticed a mirror and had mentioned how it was of good quality because there were no distortions.  Upon further research I had learned that distortions can be caused by the uneven application of metal coating behind the glass. Basically any reflection is caused by light hitting the surface and bouncing off of it, glass itself only reflects back about 4% of the light that strikes it. Clearly it's the quality of the material used behind the glass and the workmanship that is going to determine the quality of the image being reflected. So how does this apply to identity? Many times we can look at ourselves in the mirror but our image is distorted. We were created by a loving God but we were also formed by the different people and events in our lives. Out true image may be marred by the heartaches and traumas we faced in life, at least on the surface. What if we search beneath the surface? If we were made in God's image how does He see us? If we were made in the likeness of Christ how should we see ourselves? This would bring us to the third element the light. Jesus is the light of the world so it is through Him and the light of His word that we must see ourselves. Our past or present circumstances or other people's words are not what defines or dictates our true identity.
Before the 1940's Mercury was used to coat the back of the glass but It was later found to be toxic and these toxins were sealed in. Just like the mercury negative words and thoughts will poison your true identity and can be trapped inside of you and  stop you from seeing yourself as you really are. The unique you, created by an almighty God. We were created with purpose and destiny in mind and in order to move forward into our calling we must see ourselves as God does. We must read His Word, reflect on it and believe what He says. 2 Corinthians 3:18 | AMP "And all of us, as with unveiled face, [because we] continued to behold [in the Word of God] as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are constantly being transfigured into His very own image in ever increasing splendor and from one degree of glory to another; [for this comes] from the Lord [Who is] the Spirit." 
#Identity #Godslove #Unique #Createdforpurpose

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Identifying Identity

Growing up one of the first stories to impact my life was the story of The Ugly Duckling by Hans Christian Andersen I had never felt like I belonged or fit in from a very early age. I new I was different and could just not conform to those around me to be accepted.  At the cost of being true to myself, I endured much ridicule and rejection.  For many years I believed I was just not good enough, fast enough, pretty enough always falling short of everyone's expectations. Fear of failure and more rejection was a tool being used against me to chisel away any confidence or sense of self worth. This would be the door opener to abusive relationships that caused me to spiral into a victim mentality and hopelessness of ever being truly happy and fulfilled in life. The words of others were now being echoed in my own negative self talk paralyzingly any effort in moving forward as I watched another day, week, month, year go by with no apparent change in my life or circumstances. Masked and with emotions buried, life went on, bills needed to be paid, responsibilities and obligations met. Then it happened!  After ignoring all the symptoms everything shut down and I was forced to address the problem. Sometimes in order to get the right perspective we have to adjust our position or seat, in order to see clearly. My identity is not in what I do or not do; but rather it is the core of who I truly am, the person I have always wanted others to see the real me! We are all unique and yet share the same desires, to be loved and accepted. In order for this to happen I first needed to discover who God says I am. I would have to replace the lies with the truth of Gods word. I would have to believe that God made me and loves me. I had to see myself how God sees me. I needed to come to the realization that I was never an ugly duckling and that I am a swan.
#Identity #Swanreflections #Unique #Createdforpurpose