Saturday, July 4, 2015

Identifying Identity

Growing up one of the first stories to impact my life was the story of The Ugly Duckling by Hans Christian Andersen I had never felt like I belonged or fit in from a very early age. I new I was different and could just not conform to those around me to be accepted.  At the cost of being true to myself, I endured much ridicule and rejection.  For many years I believed I was just not good enough, fast enough, pretty enough always falling short of everyone's expectations. Fear of failure and more rejection was a tool being used against me to chisel away any confidence or sense of self worth. This would be the door opener to abusive relationships that caused me to spiral into a victim mentality and hopelessness of ever being truly happy and fulfilled in life. The words of others were now being echoed in my own negative self talk paralyzingly any effort in moving forward as I watched another day, week, month, year go by with no apparent change in my life or circumstances. Masked and with emotions buried, life went on, bills needed to be paid, responsibilities and obligations met. Then it happened!  After ignoring all the symptoms everything shut down and I was forced to address the problem. Sometimes in order to get the right perspective we have to adjust our position or seat, in order to see clearly. My identity is not in what I do or not do; but rather it is the core of who I truly am, the person I have always wanted others to see the real me! We are all unique and yet share the same desires, to be loved and accepted. In order for this to happen I first needed to discover who God says I am. I would have to replace the lies with the truth of Gods word. I would have to believe that God made me and loves me. I had to see myself how God sees me. I needed to come to the realization that I was never an ugly duckling and that I am a swan.
#Identity #Swanreflections #Unique #Createdforpurpose 

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